His Majesty the Blues Musiche originali di BR-AN ALFA CENTAURO (branto) 4:22 6 years ago 422 Далее Скачать
H.M.Blues : The music of His Majesty the King of Thailand Chacross 3:26 13 years ago 1 412 Далее Скачать
His Majesty the King of Spain - Do the Living For Me P. Sentman 4:51 12 years ago 44 164 Далее Скачать
The Majesty of the Blues (Live at Village Vanguard, New York, NY - March 1990 & July 1991) Wynton Marsalis 15:46 895 Далее Скачать
Best live version His Majesty King Bhumibol of Thailand performing Candlelight Blues outerrealm 1:14 5 years ago 352 Далее Скачать
H.M. Blues (David Patterson with Duangpon Pongphasuk) davidpattersonGuitar 3:07 12 years ago 95 472 Далее Скачать